01 July 2024 - 17:57

Slow Cooker Lemon Butter Cod Recipe

01 July 2024 - 17:57

Slow Cooker Lemon Butter Cod Recipe

Slow Cooker Lemon Butter Cod Recipe
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Slow Cooker Lemon Butter Cod Directions:

Start by greasing your slow cooker with a bit of the melted butter.
Layer the lemon slices on the bottom of the slow cooker.
Place the cod fillets on top of the lemon slices, ensuring they don't overlap.
In a small bowl, combine the remaining melted butter, olive oil, minced garlic, chicken broth, salt, and pepper. Pour this mixture over the cod fillets.

Cover and cook on low for 2-3 hours, or until the fish flakes easily with a fork.
Once done, sprinkle the fresh parsley over the top for a burst of color and flavor.
Serve the cod with the cooked lemon slices and extra sauce from the slow cooker spooned over the top.

I await your comments! Enjoy!

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