15 June 2024 - 18:22

Slow Cooker Corn Spoon Bread Recipe

15 June 2024 - 18:22

Slow Cooker Corn Spoon Bread Recipe

Slow Cooker Corn Spoon Bread Recipe
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Slow Cooker Corn Spoon Bread Directions:

Grease your slow cooker generously with butter or non-stick cooking spray to keep everything from sticking.

In a large bowl, whisk together your two types of corn, the sour cream, melted butter, eggs, salt, and pepper until everything's just as friendly as neighbors at a Sunday potluck.

Gently fold in the cornbread/muffin mix, stirring just enough to combine. Mind now, don't overmix, or it’ll be tougher than a two-dollar steak.

Pour this mixture into the prepared slow cooker and smooth the top with the back of a spoon.

Cover and cook on high for 2-3 hours, or on low for 4 hours, until it's set around the edges but still a little soft in the center like the heart of Goldilocks—not too firm, not too loose.

Once done, let it rest for a spell, about 15 minutes, before serving right out of the slow cooker, spooned up as generous as a grandmother's love.

I await your comments! Enjoy!

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